Considering the possibilities means you must decide to believe that what you are attempting can turn out well. When we consider a direction, we can approach it in one of two ways: expecting to encounter hindrances and opposition that will lead to failure or anticipating the best possible outcome. This means we can believe in a positive outcome for our journey, even if that outcome isn’t exactly what we want.
Perhaps experience has shaped your outlook on what is possible for you. A series of “failures” may give you the impression that failure is the best you can do. Repeated disappointments can negatively affect our ability to hope. We “lose hope” and don’t even look for a positive outcome.
I believe we all have an Inner Compass (IC), a personal GPS that either directs us away from or towards the places we need to be. If we are performing in life, or preoccupied with work, family concerns or reputation-building, we may become accustomed to ignoring our Inner Compass while we pursue other things. These may be good things, and they can also be distractions from where our Inner Compass is trying to direct us.
My challenge to you is to trust your inner compass and discover what's possible. I'm here to help you do that. Let's connect!